4 marine reserves that you can visit in the Mediterranean: explore the sea and delight your senses!

4 marine reserves that you can visit in the Mediterranean: explore the sea and delight your senses!

Marine reserves are protected sea areas. There, the nautical activities are regulated in order to preserve their funds, flora and water, and above all, to prevent fishing and give them a break!

The ecosystems of the marine reserves are a sample of the diversity of underwater life, it’s difficult to describe its beauty and stateliness.  Do you feel like to lean out on the bottom of the sea and check it with your eyes?

It’s necessary to remove permissions of diving, sailing and anchoring of boats for visit a marine reserve. Don’t worry, Mediterraneo.top manage them for your convenience. If you want to dive, we organise groups. If you prefer a more relax option, with less equipment, you can rent a boat and swim with snorkel gear (diving googles, tube and flippers) to To observe the funds from the sea surface. What you will see will be spectacular!

We choose four marine reserves from the Mediterranean, that it’s worth visiting. Let’s see which you like more!:

TABARCA (ALICANTE)isla tabarca

It located front of the port of Santa Pola, the reserve is it 3 miles from the cost. In their funds, up to 40 meters depth, you will find meadows of Posidonia oceanica well-preserved. The perimeter is well marked with buoys and moorings for vessels authorised. You can book a Day Charter, available both in summer and in winter season to go to Tabarca.


It located 10 nautical miles from Mallorca, the Cabrera National Park is composed of a group of Islands and preserved in its natural state. It covers more than 8,000 maritime hectares and saves prehistoric remains, sea battles stories and multiple natural wealth. You can rent a boat for a week and to explore all the fullness or one day sailing with a sailboat or luxury yacht.


CABO DE GATA (ALMERÍA)cabo-de-gata-249085_640

The reserve extends for 45 kilometres and their funds offer sandy and rocky surfaces, in addition to a great extension of oceanic posidonia, algae and marine species vertebrate and invertebrate. Its waters are a stunning clear blue! As the weather conditions are variable in the area, we suggest you rent a motor boat for a day and make the most of it.


Situated between both islands, it is one of the most preserved marine corners of the Mediterranean. It has a 13.617 hectares surface and the oceanis posidonia meadows occupy seabed which can reach up to 60 meters in depth. The program to visit this reserve depends on the time you want to spend: a Day Charter  is comfortable and accessible, while a weekly plan allows you to relax in Ibiza or Formentera on board a yacht, schooner or yacht. Which do you prefer?

Preserve our marine reserves help to recover and repopulate endangered areas of species. Let’s enjoy them with environmental awareness!



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